Dear users of KazNAU!

The scientific library offers the free full text access to the electronic resources of EBS “IPRbooks” and  the electronic library “Yurait”.

     The access to the electronic resources of EBS “IPRbooks” is opened from 15.10. to 28.10.2018, on the website:

     The access to the electronic library “Yurait is opened from 15.10. to 28.10.2018, on the website:

    EBS IPR BOOKS — the unique resource uniting license educational and scientific literature, periodicals, audiobooks, videocourses, online tests in the directions of training realized in educational institution. It is possible to study the list of editions on ссылке:

     The fund of electronic library “Yurayt” includes more than 5000 editions and constantly is replenished with new titles. For studying the list of editions you can see on the site:

     It is possible to use resources of electronic library from any computer of the institution.

     It is necessary to be registered for access, on the website:, by login and password from the library at the computers of the university, with Internet access. The access also can be done by IP addresses of the university via the Internet.



The scientific library