Data bases

Title Short description
RMEB The Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library is a corporate electronic catalog of full-text educational resources of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The electronic library is a collection of 900 titles of textbooks and teaching aids for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Promo code.
The electronic library is a collection of 900 titles of textbooks and teaching aids for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Promo code.
A multimedia textbook platform. A promo code for registration.
The electronic library is a collection of 1000 titles of textbooks and teaching aids for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This paragraph contains regulatory, reference, news and analytical information, the system fully complies with the requirements for software, according to the current Interstate standard “Software quality assessment.
Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) is a media company that provides users with analytical information, information solutions and databases in various directions.
«Scopus» The database of bibliographic and abstract issues and a tool for tracking the citation of articles, published in scientific journals.
The ScienceDirect database of Elsevier Science Publishing house is a full–text electronic scientific journals in English in all disciplines.
John Wiley & Sons (қысқаша атауы – Wiley) – the base contains more than 21,000 scientific books, 1,600 scientific journals. Every year, Wiley journals show high citation rates and impact factors, with many publications ranking first in their respective fields. The publishing house publishes materials in all fields of knowledge.
Subjects: universal: technical sciences, social sciences, humanities
Resource type: Full-text
Types of publications: scientific journals and books
Title Short description

Electronic database Scientific Library KazNARU

The electronic library of the Zhangir Khan. To log in, you need to get a username and password from the librarian

The Open University of Kazakhstan is an educational platform offering free access to online courses.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery-providesspecialists and managers of enterprises with the opportunity to personally participate in the discussion of topical issues, share their experience in implementing modern technologies, organizing production and management.
The Russian State Library provides its readers with the opportunity to use network remote resources (RMS) – databases hosted on remote servers and accessible via the Internet.
Kazakhstan National Electronic Library (open access) – a collection of electronic copies of books from libraries in Kazakhstan, including: the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, the Scientific Center of the Eurasian National University. Gumilyov “Otyrar kitapkhanasy”, regional libraries, university libraries and personally from authors: famous scientists, writers, public figures.
The Central Scientific Library of the Republican State Enterprise “Gylym Ordasy” of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest fund holder of scientific literature in Kazakhstan, performing the functions of a natural science depository (5.7 million copies).
Official site of the committee on statistics.
Adilet (open access) – the  information and legal system of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. “Adilet” carries out official publication of normative legal orders of the ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, normative legal decrees of central government agencies, normative legal acts of maslikhats, akimats and akims.
ZAKON.KZInformation portal – the latest news of Kazakhstan and the world for today, weather forecast, exchange rates, legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The database The media review contains links to free publications on economics and economic policy in English (50% of the total volume) of reference books by country. The Media Review is the monitoring of the media on the topics of industrial policy of the Russian Federation and abroad.
SSRN. Social Science Electronic Publishing. Full-text works are freely available on economic theory, accounting, finance, computer science, law, management, marketing, insurance.
More than 15 thousand full-text books and other publications from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) server. Search by author, title and keywords. Material on the following topics: economics and law, economic theory, economic history. The language is English.
Free Legal Research Resources – is a collection of open access legal resources prepared by the Harvard Law School.
FindLaw – websites of the same name in several countries containing information on legislation created by a division of Thomson Reuters.
Law and Legal Resources index of legal resources Archives Library Information Center, USA
Constitution is a Google-supported Comparative Constitutions Project representing constitutions from around the world.
DOAJ (открытый доступ) – это интерактивный онлайн-каталог, который индексирует и обеспечивает доступ к высококачественным, открытым доступом, рецензируемым журналам. Содержит 9 922 журналов, 2 579 455 статей, также 122 стран мира пользуются данным онлайн-каталогом. Журналы открытого доступа, охватывают все области науки, техники, медицины, социальных и гуманитарных наук.
THE WORLD DIGITAL  LIBRARY – is the treasures of the world’s cultural heritage, collected in one site, such as manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, photographs, photographs, and architectural drawings.
DOAB (Open Access) is an online catalog of peer-reviewed teaching materials made available to the public by libraries and publishers. Contains 8,860 academic peer-reviewed books and book chapters from 225 publishers worldwide.
InTechOpen (Open Access) has released 3,208 Open Access books, the largest collection in the world with 45,621 scientific chapters.
ARXIV.ORG (open access) is the largest free archive of electronic publications of scientific and republished articles with changes and additions in physics, mathematics, astronomy, computer science and biology.
OAPEN Library (open access) contains free access academic books in the humanities and social sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to create a quality-controlled collection of open access books, provides services for publishers, libraries and research foundations, and ensures the quality of digital distribution and preservation.
BIOMED CENTRAL (open access) – an open access platform for reading and publishing scientific articles and journals. More than 400 scientific journals are available.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS – (Open Access) publishes a range of open access academic journals and books, working with publishing partners. More than 3,000 scientific journal articles are available.

SPRINGER OPEN (open access) – the largest collection of open access resources from around the world – more than 560 journals and more than 120 books.

GOOGLE SCHOLAR – (open access) is a free search engine for full texts of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The Google Scholar Index includes data from most of the peer-reviewed online journals of the largest scientific publishers in Europe and America.
CYBERLENINKA – (open access) is a scientific electronic library built on the paradigm of open science (Open Science), the main tasks of which are the popularization of science and scientific activity, public control over the quality of scientific publications, the development of interdisciplinary research, the modern institute of scientific review and increasing the citation of science.
SCITECLIBRARY – Scientific and Technical Information Agency. The main ideological direction of the site is technologies, inventions, ideas, know-how and other scientific and technical developments in various fields of science and technology.
BOOKS GID – Free electronic library, which contains a wide variety of books, encyclopedias, reference books, manuals, a lot of useful and interesting information, as well as informative and popular science literature on various fields of science.
EASTERN MICHIGAN UNUIVERSITYA digital library of scholarly and creative works created by students, faculty, and staff at Eastern Michigan University. The main fund of the site includes journals, dissertations, books, monographs, the site also has a subsection of the scientific research center and an archive of important events taking place at the university.
AIRCC – Free digital library, which contains articles about the achievements and results of research in the field of computer technology, engineering, computer science, multimedia, software.
ӘДЕБИЕТ ПОРТАЛЫ – Internet-library of works of Kazakh authors. The aim of the Internet portal is to popularize the Kazakh culture and the state language not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad, by increasing interest in Kazakh literature. On the site, presented electronic publications in different languages.
Contains scientific and technical documentation: inventions and utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, computer programs, databases, topologies of integrated microchips.
“NATTIONAL INSTITUTE OF INTELLECTUAL INSTITUTE PROPERTY” – The site of the State Enterprise of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights of the MYRK. Contains: orders, rules, instructions; legislative and normative acts; database of inventions and useful models “Patents of Kazakhstan”.
United States Patent and Trademark Office. Full text of patents since 1790.
Kazakh-Russian, Russian-Kazakh electronic dictionary. Contains more than 60,000 entries for each direction of translation.
SCIENCE – Journal of publication of original, significant scientific research and research reviews, “Science” also publishes science news, opinions on science policy and other issues of interest to scientists and others involved in the implementation of scientific achievements and technologies.
NATURE – Science Journals  of the Company Nature Publishing Group .
Contains scientific articles of a fundamental and applied nature, review papers by domestic and foreign authors, with a methodological and methodological focus.
ACADEMIC  EARTH – all the lectures of the best universities in the world, presented on English, on the site, in particular: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale and others universities. In order to search and collect the necessary material, it is better just to visit the site.
ABHINAV PUBLICATIONS -The site contains articles about art, scientific achievements, engineering, trade and the latest technologies in the field of education. Also published here book reviews, news, interviews of famous  persons.
ACADEMIC RESEARCH JOURNALS – The academic research journals of various subjects publishing of wide range of  disciplines. The content of the site is intended for students, young scientists, academicians, teachers, researchers in the field of natural and technical sciences.
AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE – The site, which presents scientific journals on a wide range of natural and humanitarian disciplines. It is the world’s largest and most distinguished collection of peer-reviewed, African-published scientific journals.
DART-EUROPE – The center where representatives of research libraries and library consortiums workes together to promote the fund of research dissertations of European universities. Dissertations of various authors are freely available here.
The open electronic archive of Harvard University: more than 13 thousand different types of scientific papers (dissertations, books, articles, student papers in economics, law, medical sciences, pedagogy, etc.).
Artistic and popular science publications presented in the electronic version and also books by famous authors of various genres, audiobooks, scientific articles. The site contains thematic catalogs and sections.
Collection of peer-reviewed scientific journals in open access. Articles on ecology and safety, economy and business, problems in the field of education and the latest developments.
SOIL ECOLOGY LETTERS(SEL) – provides rapid publication of original scientific articles of scientific value that depict and explain the ecological processes that occur in the soil.

A collection of open access journals in all branches of science.

Electronic collection of theses and dissertations.
More than 3700 books on various topics (social and human sciences, education, information technology, etc.).

Scientific and technical databases

Access to full texts of digitized Swiss journals from different fields of science and technology.
Open resources on industry research, conference materials, databases, seminars and events in all areas of the humanities, medicine, business and technology.

Free access to electronic journals in the field of international development.

American Mathematical Society
A well-known conference, whose participants are famous scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, engineers and many others. Almost all videos come with subtitles in Russian.

Official web portal. The site was created for those who are interested in this field of knowledge and want to know more about the history of the formation of our country, as well as for teachers, schoolchildren, students of universities, colleges, scientists, young professionals. A lot of useful and interesting information about the history of Kazakhstan is collected here.

Digital objects of cultural heritage of European countries (works of art, objects of material culture, books, audio and video recordings).
Journal of Chemistry since 2005.
The psychological educational site contains useful information (tests, trainings, books, dictionaries, works of famous psychologists, links to psychology news) for everyone who receives a psychological education, is interested in psychology or is professionally engaged in it.









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