The free test access to the electronic resources of Russian electronic library system -“University Library Online”

     The scientific library offers free test access to the electronic resources of Russian electronic library system -“University Library Online”, from 13 February to 31 March 2020, on the website:, for support of the educational process.

     The access to the electronic resources is opened by IP addresses of the university or after authorization, in the Personal Office-by Enter, at the right corner, for remote access, viewing by page.

     The “University Library Online” consists of 130 000 e-books, 500+ scientific journals, 3994

audiobooks, 100+collections from leading Russian publishers, 150+ e-courses, on humanitarian and natural science disciplines. The books are grouped into thematic collections, adapted also for screen reading (bookreader, tablet computer and smartphones).

     The “University Library Online” consists of:

     – Academic Basic Collection – E-Books and textbooks, scientific periodicals (VAC Journals), works of scientific classics, “Classic of Encyclopedias” – encyclopedias and dictionaries.

     – Training multimedia – Interactive tests and simulators, express preparation for examinations (exam questions and answers, educational and historical cards, audiobooks and videos, tables, presentations, diagrams.

The Scientific library