The scientific library of KAZNAU glad to report you of open access to the largest world eletronic databases

Springerlink – is one of the leading world interactive full-text databases of mainly of scientific, technical and medical contents (journals, books, and reference materials) in such directions as: biology, ecology, medicine, physics, technical science, mathematics, informatics, the humanitarian sciences, economics.

ScienceDirect – is the leading database of full-text information platform of Elsevier, for scientists, teachers, students, experts of medical area and R&D of departments of the industrial enterprises which contains 25% of world scientific publications.

Thomson Reuters – is the leader of the world information market industry of knowledge, innovative technologies in correspondence with international resources, provides information for scientists in various spheres of science and technology, education, health care, art and culture.

Scopus – is the largest abstract and reference database of the reviewed literature of scientific journals, books and materials of conferences.


The scientific library