About the seminar of Elsevier publishing house

On November 15, 2018, the scientific library organized the seminar of Elsevier publishing house for teaching-staff, PhD doctorants, and the staff of scientific research institute, in audience 84 at the main building of the Kazakh national agricultural university.

The subject was: “Using of ScienceDirect and Scopus for preparation of  scientific article and selection of journals for it’s publication“.

During the seminar, Andrey Loktev, the consultant for key information decisions of the Elsevier S&T company – paid special attention to modern opportunities of the full text database of ScienceDirect and also to the world’s largest abstract and analytical database of scientific publications and citings of Scopus. Also, he  told about how to choose the journal for the publication and what criteria is necessary to pay attention, how to trace publications by means of author’s profiles and many other things. He explained in detail of the procedure of publication of scientific articles in foreign journals.

During the seminar, attendants had taken answers on interesting them questions connected with creation of profiles of the university or author profile.

Seminar’s materials you can see by the links.