For academics

Price list

Publishing House «NQRT»
Publishing House «ЭСПИ»
Publishing House «TechSmith»
Publishing House «LANTAR BOOKS»
Publishing House «ALEM BOOK»                    Publishing House «Альманахь»
Publishing House «NURPRESS»
Publishing House «JOGARY BILIM»
Publishing House «ADAL KITAP»
Publishing House «KEMEL KITAP»
Publishing House «Эрудит»
Publishing House «TNT»

Publishing House «Эпиграф»
Publishing House «TOO NQRT»
Publishing House «Бастау»
Publishing House «Альманахь»
Publishing House «N-Press»
Publishing House «ADAL KITAP»
Publishing House «LANTAR BOOKS»
Publishing House «IPR MEDIA»
Publishing House «Дарын»
Publishing House «КарГУ»
Publishing House «ALEM BOOK»

Publishing House «Бастау» 
Publishing House “N-Press”
«N-Press» Electronic textbooks
Publishing House «Эпиграф»
Publishing House «NewBook»
Publishing House «ЭСПИ»
«Эпиграф»_Multimedia tutorials
Publishing House «ЛантарТрейд»
“Мазмұндама” public fund


“Альманахъ” баспасы
Карагандинский университет
Издательство “ССК”
Издательство “CyberSmith”
Издательство “Express Publishing”
Издательство “Бастау”
Издательский дом “Интеллект”
Издательский дом “N-Press”
“Қазақ университеті” – Электронные книги.
Издательский дом “N-Press” – электрон.
Издательство “Эпиграф”
Издательство “Қарасай”
Эрудит. Инклюзивное образование
Эрудит. Питер
Эрудит. Учебники-1
Эрудит. Учебники-2
“Лань” ветеринария
“Лань” -2
“Лань” электронные книги
Издательство “Лантар Трейд”


 The Scientific Library accepts applications

for the purchase of literature from university professors.

   When making an application, check the availability of the book in the library’s electronic catalog. The application must specify the name of the specialty and discipline. When making an application, the type of publications must be indicated: basic or additional literature.

   The application must be approved at the department and signed by the heads of departments, the head of the department of “Design of educational programs” and the director of the library.

   When forming the library fund, the university is guided by the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 4 dated January 5, 2024 “On approval of qualification requirements for educational activities of organizations providing higher and (or) postgraduate education, and a list of documents confirming compliance with them”

2. Qualification requirements for educational the activity is conditioned by the following sub-paragraphs:

2.1. Availability of a library fund of educational, methodical and scientific literature in the format of printed and (or) electronic publications that provide 100% of the disciplines of educational programs in the languages of instruction;

2.2. Ensuring the annual updating of at least 3% of the fund of educational literature in the context of disciplines of educational programs;

2.3. Availability of contracts (agreements) with libraries and scientific organizations for the joint use of library collections (access to an electronic database or information resources).

Book ordering

Electronic resources ordering

Periodicals ordering