The Scientific seminar “New arts education: 100 new textbooks in Kazakh”

On September 19th of 2018, the Scientific library had conducted the presentation and discussion of the textbooks on sociology, translated on Kazakh, within the project “New arts education: 100 new textbooks in Kazakh“.

At the seminar has been discussed about the value, importance of 17 textbooks published and realized within the state program “ Rowhani zhangiry” – 100 new textbooks on Kazakh”, for the educational field, that all educational institutions of the world will have access to these textbooks.

Students have also expressed their opinions of using these textbooks in an educational process. The event had been held by the Scientific library, the department of “History of Kazakhstan and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan”, the center of the humanitarian researches “Rowhani Zhangiry”.

Textbooks can be found in the library and on the website of the university.


Scientific library