The moving book exhibition at the faculties of the university, from 11.03.-29.03.2019.

From 11 to 29 of March 2019, the moving book exhibition “Rukhani zhangyru”, within the implementation of the programme: “Bizdin kyshemiz, bacekege kabiletti gylymda”, receipts of new editions in 2018 year had been conducted at all faculties.


Participants (visitors) of thе exhibition were introduced with books of the programme “Rukhani zhangyru”, from foreign authors, as Stephen R. Covey. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and Yuval Noah Harary: “Sapiens. A brief history of Humankind”, which were translated to Kazakh and had receipted to the library in 2018 year.

This event participated 1843 of readers and 46 of them past their wishes for improvement of holding this exhibition.

 These exhibitions are necessary and useful for all categories of readers of the scientific library.

The scientific library